A recent study found that incorporating short bouts of exercise into one's daily routine can help prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. (Dunstan et al., 2018)
The study followed sedentary adults who were asked to perform three 10-minute bouts of moderate-intensity exercise per day, compared to a control group who remained sedentary. After just six weeks, the group who performed the short exercise bouts showed significant improvements in their insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and markers of inflammation, all of which are risk factors for chronic disease.
Start small with 2-3 sessions per week where you exercise for 10 minutes or more. Any soreness after working out goes away after a week or two getting into a regular routine. I used to dread running and would think up excuses not to do it. (it’s raining, it’s too hot, etc) But now, it’s just what I do and my mind and body just says “This is what we do now.” Your metabolism will benefit and you may see some inches disappear.